Thursday, 23 October 2014

College Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

College Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

  • ·         Out of the college students we asked, 65% were female and 35% were male.

  • ·         95% said no, they don’t read the college magazine. This suggests the product doesn’t work and is not reaching its target audience. 

  • ·         The colours which were picked were: green with 5, blue with 11, black with 7, white with 9, red with 6, grey with 1, gold with 5, purple with 4, pink with 1, yellow with 6 and orange with 2. In conclusion the colours which the audience would like to see is first blue then black and then white. Red, green and yellow also could appear on the front of the magazine. 

  • ·         85% of the students asked said they would pay 50p or nothing for the college magazine. 

  • ·         70% said it should be published either monthly or half term.

  • ·         The house style they would like is informal with 50% or mixed (informal and formal) with 40%. Overall it would need to be mostly informal.

  • ·         The contents which were picked were: sports with 7, TV/Film with 7, music with 11, fashion with 7, problems with 4, college trips with 9, quizzes with 1, competitions with 1, free gifts with 7 and technology with 6. In conclusion they would like to see mostly music, college trips, free gifts, fashions, sport and TV/film. 

  • ·         The majority of students asked would like to see a student on the front cover with 40%, and then celebrity and nature got the same with 30% each. This means that the image on the front of the magazine would have to vary by having a different one each new issue. 

  • ·         A jobs page would definitely be included in the magazine; this is because 100% of people said yes they would like to see one. 

Real College Magazine Analysis

This is a real life college magazine; it has used 3 different colours and 2 different fonts. The colours used in this magazine cover are yellow, blue and white. The colours are bright to attract its target audience, which are college students and to make the magazine stand out, they also are easy to read and clear on top of the background. The fonts which are used are simple to read furthermore the sizes of the fonts are big to also stand out. The masthead on this magazine is their logo which is iconic as it will be associated with that magazine, it is also big and goes across the whole page, it is yellow to make it stand out and appeal to the audience. The main image in this magazine is of a young girl, she appears to the audience as happy as her code of expression is happy; this could appeal to the audience as they could think she is happy as a college student. Her code of dress is sophisticated so it will also give a positive image of college students to the audience and people who glance at the magazine. The image also on this magazine is in the middle with even amount of sides at each side, this is rules of thirds. By having rule of thirds makes it more appealing as it looks neater. The cover lines all give a clear understanding that it is meant to appeal to the teenage audience who are at college, this is because there are ones on there that mention sex. It could interest teenagers as that is what they think about quite a lot, in addition there are things that appeal to men and women for example it mentions NCAA Basketball players, and this could appeal to mostly men as its sport. It also mentions ‘campus to catwalk’; this implies fashion and women are mostly interested in that. A barcode as to appear on every magazine so it can be brought in the shop, however they are normally tucked away in the corner, this magazine is no different and is in the right corner. 

College Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page